Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2 weeks alone?

My wife is going on a medical missions trip to Haiti this next month for 2 weeks. What the heck am I going to do alone for 2 weeks. I hadn't really thought about it before now but I'm not sure if I will be able to stand being seperated that long. It is going to be very lonely. (Sigh...)

I am not even one to really talk a lot or interact on my own. Heck, I probably even go 2 weeks without talking. Think I'll regress evolutionarily?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Chemistry is super cool. I love this class. I think I am probably in an easy class with a great teacher but I really feel like it comes naturally to me. We are now learning about organic chemistry and it is awesome. I look forward to every day that I go to class. Maybe I should take some more chemistry classes and major in organic chemistry and work for a pharmaceutical company or something. That might be a lot of fun. Is it allowed to actually enjoy your work?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mafia Wars

My wife plays this game called Mafia Wars on Facebook. She gets extra points and capabilities depending on the number of people she gets to join her "mafia." So she told me one day that she set up a Facebook account under my name for me. I figured there must be some ulterior motive so I asked her if I was also playing Mafia Wars and was part of her mafia. She answered, "Well....yeah."

So I gave it a try and found this game is super fun and highly addictive. If anyone wants to add me to their mafia just let me know at domstoltz@hotmail.com

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How old is the earth?

So how old is the earth anyway? According to the Bible the earth is between 6000 and 10000 years old. So dinosaurs aren't that old? And they lived at the same time as man? What the heck...I don't know if I can ever reconcile all these questions I have.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Please help with this riddle

I was given a riddle without an answer and I cannot wrap my mind around this one. Please reply if you can figure it out:

3 men walk into a hotel, the guy at the front desk tells them the price is $30 for a room. The 3 men each chip in $10 and head to the room.

Later, the guy at the front desk realized the room was only $25 and sends the bellhop up to the room with the change.

The bellhop cannot figure how to split the $5 three ways so each gives each man $1 and keeps the extra $2 as a tip.

So.....if each man paid $9 and the bellhop kept the other $2.......what happened to the other $1. (9 X 3 = 27, 27 + 2 = 29)

This is bugging the hell out of me.......Please help!!