Monday, May 11, 2009

What kind of race?

I've never thought about it before, but why is an ethnically similar group of people collectively known as a "race?" White, Black, Hispanic...what the hell kind of race is it? Is it supposed to be some type of competition? Where is the finish line? What do you get if you win the race?
No wonder racism exists. Anyone out there know if other languages have this dual meaning for the word "race?"

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Upside to these blogs

I hated blogging this semester with a passion. It seemed I never had anything to say that I felt was really worth putting down in words. Obviously I've never kept a journal. Even if I could think of something to say it seems that no one ever actually looks at these anyway, so it's still a waste. I've thought about getting one of those little counters on the bottom of the blog but figured it would make me feel more insignificant.

BUT, one of my blogs a while back had a comment. I thought, "What the hell is this? Did someone actually look at my blog? And why the hell would they comment on that particular blog?" Turns out it was an old buddy of mine from the Marines when I was in Okinawa. I had been looking for him off and on for almost 10 years and he found my blog and told me how to find him. He had been looking for me also. How awesome is that?

Then again, he didn't say a word about that blog post or any other blog post. So I insignificantly fade away again into the land of the unnoticed.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Warpaint = Makeup?

My wife was in the bathroom the other day ago putting on makeup and she called it "putting on her warpaint" for the day. Do you think the Indians felt that putting on their warpaint was like putting on makeup? When the American settlers showed up do you think they said, "Well crap, it's those damn white people again. I guess we better get all made up and go chase them off again."

Saturday, May 2, 2009


It really sucks that Rottweilers have been given such a bad name. An increase in this breed's popularity in the 80's led to a ten-fold increase in a decade and a lot of unscrupulous breeders that bred with little disregard for tempermant. This can happen with any dog. It wasn't the breed's fault. Breeders have become much more responsible and I don't think I have ever met a vicious Rottweiler.

I have two Rottweilers and a cat in my house. The only animal in my house that is vicious is the cat. (Damn those claws!) Both Rottweilers are really nothing more than big babies that lay around and sleep more than the cat! Although, I guess Rottweilers do have a low distintive growl that may frighten some people. I sure know it frightens away people trying to break in the house at night!

Friday, May 1, 2009

This really sucks hands have been hurting off and on from my elbows to my fingertips for the last several years. Recently it has gotten worse and they just fall asleep whenever I do much of anything and keep me from sleeping well. The doctor diagnosed it as carpal tunnel but I don't understand it. I never really do anything enough that would have caused it. I used to type a lot at one of those old 1960 era desks at work that was made for writing on, not typing, and certainly not conducive to good typing posture. But the doc said that bad typing and wrists on the edge of the desk do not cause carpal tunnel. But then again, he is the company doc from work and probably has a vested interest in making sure work is not liable. Damn conspiracy if you ask me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2 weeks alone?

My wife is going on a medical missions trip to Haiti this next month for 2 weeks. What the heck am I going to do alone for 2 weeks. I hadn't really thought about it before now but I'm not sure if I will be able to stand being seperated that long. It is going to be very lonely. (Sigh...)

I am not even one to really talk a lot or interact on my own. Heck, I probably even go 2 weeks without talking. Think I'll regress evolutionarily?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Chemistry is super cool. I love this class. I think I am probably in an easy class with a great teacher but I really feel like it comes naturally to me. We are now learning about organic chemistry and it is awesome. I look forward to every day that I go to class. Maybe I should take some more chemistry classes and major in organic chemistry and work for a pharmaceutical company or something. That might be a lot of fun. Is it allowed to actually enjoy your work?