Saturday, May 9, 2009

Upside to these blogs

I hated blogging this semester with a passion. It seemed I never had anything to say that I felt was really worth putting down in words. Obviously I've never kept a journal. Even if I could think of something to say it seems that no one ever actually looks at these anyway, so it's still a waste. I've thought about getting one of those little counters on the bottom of the blog but figured it would make me feel more insignificant.

BUT, one of my blogs a while back had a comment. I thought, "What the hell is this? Did someone actually look at my blog? And why the hell would they comment on that particular blog?" Turns out it was an old buddy of mine from the Marines when I was in Okinawa. I had been looking for him off and on for almost 10 years and he found my blog and told me how to find him. He had been looking for me also. How awesome is that?

Then again, he didn't say a word about that blog post or any other blog post. So I insignificantly fade away again into the land of the unnoticed.

1 comment:

  1. Not true my friend! you'll never fade away, to many good memories, and friends like you happen maybe once in a lifetime, if you're lucky
