Friday, January 30, 2009

Book Club.....or Book Report?

I've obtained a copy of the Sirens of Titan and I'm ready for the sort of book club planned at the English 101 blog site. It sounds like fun but......I'm a little unsure. If nothing else at least the book looks like a great read, the kind of novel right up my alley.

Reading a book and discussing it with other individuals sounds fascinating but it kind of takes me back to grade school book report days, you know what I mean? I've never been in a book club but I'm hoping this endeavor as more of a discussion than a book report. Although I've always absolutely loved to read I really disliked giving oral book reports up in front of the class.

I remember a specific incident in the third or fourth grade. We were required to have 9 book reports done by the end of the first half of the year. I think I had 4 or 5. I had read plenty of books, I just didn't want to to do the book reports and, consequently, I got my first (and only) dreaded "U" on my next report card. This did not fare well with my mother who happened to be the school librarian. This ended up with me receiving my first (and only) grounding.

So in my signature stubborn and passive aggressive fashion I decided if they wanted a book report they were going to get a book report. Rather than reading your typical Hardy Boys adventure I chose a nonfiction book detailing US immigration and immigration policies from 1910-1914. Not quite your typical 4th grade reading material, you have to admit. Needless to say my teacher was less than thrilled and the incident ended in a little "coming to Jesus" meeting.

I didn't have problems getting the book reports done after that but I never did learn to like delivering them. I think this was because nobody else really seemed to care or express an interest and the whole format discouraged any discussions or other opinions. Hopefully the book club will be a completely different experience.

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