Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How to fix the police/fire pension fund

I live in Springfield, Missouri. For the last year we have been listening to the city council lament about the underfunding of the city police and fire pension fund. They want to raise taxes to place the blame for their incompetence and lack of foresight on the taxpayers of Springfield. This way, if we don't vote for the tax, it is our fault for the underfunding of the police and firefighter's pensions.

But I have another more ingenious plan: Have you ever noticed the timing of the traffic lights in Springfield? Have you ever noticed that after you stop at a red light, wait for the red light and then finally get the green light you are pretty much guaranteed to have to stop again at the next light because it is just turning red as you approach? I think this is part of some evil conspiracy on the part of the city planners and the gas stations in Springfield. I bet they all are getting some type of perverse kick out of watching everyone race to every light just to stop and wait again. But wait, therein lies the solution to the underfunded pension fund! The solution is really quite elegant in its simplicity. Why doesn't the city council just demand the kickbacks from the gas stations that they should have been getting all along and apply them to the pension fund? This ought to be plenty to fully fund the pension plan.

Unless.......maybe.....possibly they are already part of the conspiracy too????? hmmmmm......

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