Saturday, January 31, 2009

Adoption Woes

Here's a rant for you: Why does adoption have to be so hard to do and so stinkin' expensive?

My wife and I have been through three cycles of in vitro fertilization with no luck. This in itself costs upwards of 15 grand a pop.

So we looked into adoption. Holy cow, do they really pry into your life! And then you have to pay out the nose for it! It is so frustrating that unfit parents have children everyday but it is so hard for someone that really wants these children to help out and provide a good home. It really makes you feel like God is punishing you.

I have a friend at work in the same situation that has chosen to adopt from Ethiopia because the cost is less than most other countries. He is anticipating $20,000 in costs for the adoption! I know there are children all over the world growing up without parents. I don't understand who makes it so difficult to help and why.


  1. You are so right! It's ok for the kids to be dumped into foster homes for the rest of their life just so someone can collect an assistance check, but make a mound of red tape and a hefty green price tag to actually allow a child to have a decent chance at love and life.

    My husband and I went to an international adoption seminar and while Ethiopian children were the cheapest, for European children it can be up to $45,000! Insane! (My husband and I have been unable to conceive for over 10 years so we understand a little bit of your frustration.)

  2. I totally agree with you. I've been trying for 8 years with no luck. So I checked into adoption. OUTRAGED is how I came away feeling after that.
