Saturday, February 28, 2009

Money Saving Idea

It seems like everything is going nuts where I work. We have been increasing production and the number of procedures all while reducing headcount for a number of years now. Only problem is that you can only do this for so long before you approach the point of diminishing returns and there is nothing left to cut.

It seems that our management has gotten to that point now and there is not much left to easily cut out and capital needs to be spent or major decisions made to make any more improvements in efficiency. The sad thing is that none of them seem willing to confront the problems we are facing. If someone points out a possible problem they just nod their head and say that's something we will need to deal with. To me it's like trying to ignore the big elephant sitting in the corner of the room.

Since all you ever get is a head nod from management trying to act sympathetic but never really doing anything about the issues at hand I figure we should just replace all the managment with those little bobble head dolls. You know the ones you see in the back window of peoples cars that have the head that just bobs around? We could leave all the desks in place and put one on each managers desk. When you have a problem you come in and tap the head. You'll get the same response as you do from the current resident of the desk. And we'll save millions a year in pay and benefits.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

So, so tired

I'm writing this short post from the campus of OTC. I was short on sleep for the last two days already and then worked 16 hours last night. I got home at 9 this morning, studied for a chemistry test, went to bed at 11, got up at 2 for the chemistry test at 2:30. Now I'm off to work until after 5 tomorrow morning. Never mind finding time to do homework. Will this week never end? Sad part is that even when the week does end it looks as if I will end up at work this weekend too. AAAARRGGGHHHH!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

What to do?

You know, I'm 31 years old and I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up. How do you decide when you're grown up anyway? This is my 8th year working at Kraft Foods in Springfield which is twice as long as any other job that I ever had. Does that mean that I have settled in and grown up? It still seems temporary which is why I figured that I probably haven't grown up yet.
Do you ever look back on your life and wonder why you ended up where you are? Working in manufacturing is not where I pictured myself in high school. I took all the extra classes I could and worked hard and had college scholarships. Then I decided to join the Marines Corps (that's another story altogether) and never went to college until now. I wonder how different things would have been without that decision?
So what am I to do when I grow up? I'm thinking about nursing, my wife is a nurse and I know I would like the work. Plus it would be awesome to take traveling contracts together and make big bucks to pay off all our loans. Then we could just sell everything and sign on with Nurses Without Borders in SE Asia or Africa.
Or maybe I'll win the powerball this week and just do whatever the heck I feel like doing. That sounds like a better plan to me.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Guitar Blues

I went to the Sertoma Chilli Cookoff today and listened to the bands for a while. Watching those guys have so much fun on stage made me wish I was in a band.

My wife bought this Les Paul for me for Christmas this year. Only problem is that I don't really know how to play it! I've wanted to learn so badly but never have really had the time to really get to it. Both my parents play but for some reason I never got into it. My mom is a music teacher and my dad played for a while in a band (Sidenote: My mom listens to Vivaldi and Mozart, my dad listens to Rolling Stones and Black Sabbath. Odd combination, huh?)

My music theory is pretty good and I've been trying to teach myself and I seem to be catching on pretty quick. And better yet, it looks like my upcoming weekends are going to be free here on out. Next stop: Guitar Hall of Fame! Eat your heart out, Eddie Van Halen!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Here fishy, fishy

I've never had a lot of patience growing up. I could never really tell the difference between someone with patience and someone wasting time. My brother would always tell me if I wanted to learn patience I ought to go fishing. It is for this reason that I was never an avid fisherman, just to much sitting around doing nothing.

Well anyway, my wife loves to fish and last year she went flyfishing at Bennet Springs while I hiked the surrounding trails and took some pics. I was surprised. Flyfishing looks like a blast. You are more of an active participant in the process with all the subtle positioning and fly casting. It seemed the only active part of most other fishing methods is going to the cooler for another beer.

So now I have a new set of waders and boots and a new pole and reel. I took some casting classes at Bass Pro and I am set for the 2009 trout season. Only 10 more days to catch and keep season! With my new job schedule I have a 4 day weekend every week. Looks like I might get a chance to finely hone my skills, or lack thereof.

Now I'll be able to have my own fish stories about the big one that got away.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

An Unusual Dream

I really don't remember my dreams that often. In fact, if you asked me, I would say that I seldom dream. But they say that everyone dreams, they just don't remember them. I think I don't remember my dreams because I usually don't get enough sleep. I only seem to remember them when I am not as sleep deprived as I normally am.
Anyway, last night I had the most unusual dream. For some reason I was wearing a black suit, black shirt and black tie and looked like Mark Wahlberg. Somehow I had acquired a professional football team that wore black and gray uniforms. They followed me everywhere and I drove a large yellow payloader. We really didn't play any football games because we were too busy fighting crime. Typically, it seemed we would find corrupt businessmen and we would "persuade" them to change their ways. Eventually it seemed that we became more and more corrupt in our methods also.
What the heck is this about? This is the most unusual dream I think I have had since I was in grade school and dreamt that some character from one of the soap operas my mom watched named Victor (I think it was Days of Our Lives or something like that) came in a flying saucer and saved me from some eight legged martians. The entire dream was in old style Hanna-Barberra cartoon except for me and this Victor guy.
If anyone reading this post knows what would make me dream such crazy things I would appreciate a comment or some feedback. I've never paid attention to this metaphysics stuff or whatever it is but, c'mon now? Crime fighting football teams driving construction equipment? I don't even watch football! There has got to be something up with that. Should I seek professional help?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

St. Valentine's Day, bah humbug!

What's up with St. Valentine's day anyway? I guess nothing says "I love you" quite like doing something everyone else is doing just because it's expected of you to do it. I realize that Valentine's Day (notice: most people even drop the whole "St." part) really is just as commercialized as Christmas anymore so giving a gift on Valentine's day isn't really a special love inspired heart felt thought, it's an expected necessity. Kind of a way of saying, "I love you this many dollars worth." I think love for your Valentine is better expressed in the random acts and deeds that are not expected on any other day besides February 14th.

By the way, my wife is working all weekend or else I'm sure I would have had reservations somewhere tonight. I guess for all my talk I'm really just one of the herd.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Any Tattoo Ideas?

I must be about the only ex-marine that I know that does not have a tattoo. I've always wanted one but I could never decide what to get. I've never found one design that I really felt I could commit to for all of eternity. When I lived in Japan I briefly thought of putting a male shisa lion on one shoulder and a female on the other. Shisa lions are thought to protect a residence from evil spirits. It seemed kind of fitting at the time.

I've always kind of been fascinated by the Japanese Irezumi style of tattooing but I'd hate to be mistaken for some member of the Yakuza. Especially since I work in manufacturing and I probably stand a greater than average chance of losing a finger. Having a tattoo like that while simultaneously missing one or more digits could lead to some very interesting experiences in certain circles.
Last month my wife was getting her third tattoo and I was looking through the books of designs. In particular I was looking at the kanji symbols (japanese lettering) because I think they are kind of neat, even if they are overdone anymore. I thought the symbols for "ice" and "baby" were especially cool looking. I thought it would be kind of cool to get two "ice" symbols followed by a "baby" symbol. Ice, ice, baby. Ha, ha. My wife told me I'm a dork, but she does that pretty much everyday anyway.
Anyone care to comment on tattoo ideas or share their tattoo?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh, Happy Day!

Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!

What a wonderful day! Friday night was the last night I had to do my old job. I still work at the same place but do a different task. Now I am not in charge of any one and am responsible for just one set of equipment. And the best part is that now I am only required to work three 12 hour shifts a week, Tuesday to Thursday (unfortunately Tues and Thurs are class days at OTC). Looks like a 4 day weekend every week, now there's time to actually go backpacking or do something fun. Awesome. Although I imagine I'll be sweet talked into working extra. My stress level has already dropped significantly. Maybe now I will stop being so cynical and may even grow my hair back!