Saturday, February 28, 2009

Money Saving Idea

It seems like everything is going nuts where I work. We have been increasing production and the number of procedures all while reducing headcount for a number of years now. Only problem is that you can only do this for so long before you approach the point of diminishing returns and there is nothing left to cut.

It seems that our management has gotten to that point now and there is not much left to easily cut out and capital needs to be spent or major decisions made to make any more improvements in efficiency. The sad thing is that none of them seem willing to confront the problems we are facing. If someone points out a possible problem they just nod their head and say that's something we will need to deal with. To me it's like trying to ignore the big elephant sitting in the corner of the room.

Since all you ever get is a head nod from management trying to act sympathetic but never really doing anything about the issues at hand I figure we should just replace all the managment with those little bobble head dolls. You know the ones you see in the back window of peoples cars that have the head that just bobs around? We could leave all the desks in place and put one on each managers desk. When you have a problem you come in and tap the head. You'll get the same response as you do from the current resident of the desk. And we'll save millions a year in pay and benefits.

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