Saturday, February 14, 2009

St. Valentine's Day, bah humbug!

What's up with St. Valentine's day anyway? I guess nothing says "I love you" quite like doing something everyone else is doing just because it's expected of you to do it. I realize that Valentine's Day (notice: most people even drop the whole "St." part) really is just as commercialized as Christmas anymore so giving a gift on Valentine's day isn't really a special love inspired heart felt thought, it's an expected necessity. Kind of a way of saying, "I love you this many dollars worth." I think love for your Valentine is better expressed in the random acts and deeds that are not expected on any other day besides February 14th.

By the way, my wife is working all weekend or else I'm sure I would have had reservations somewhere tonight. I guess for all my talk I'm really just one of the herd.


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